Airport Blues

20 10 2008

I am sitting on an unfinished internet kiosk at the being-improved Brisbane International, facing the runway looking at the reflection of travelers taking photos of each other in the airport lounge. It was a toss-up between browsing isles of enticing expensive perfumes and alcohol or coming to the gate early and reading a book… or blogging, of course! Rachel dropped me off to the airport, which means we were here way early and were able to have a nice coffee and goodbye chat after I checked in. It would have been a lot harder, this goodbye thing, except that we spent a bit of time together today, which was really nice, but we’ve probably seen eachother enough today!.. Note to self: always try and get the day off work when you’re traveling overseas alone.

Today was cool. I spent the morning interviewing my sister-in-law, who is a social worker who is currently working at a domestic-abuse helpline. She was awesome. Honest and thoughtful and very well spoken. And she’s Thai as well, which is kind of nice. I’m hoping to use cut and paste the interview into a video reflection about domestic violence, suggested by Greg Manning.. who’s organising this MIcah Network Conference in Thailand I’m going to help out at. We’re thinking of using a song called STAY by U2. (Actually, my brother and I performed this song with a female drummer at our school talent quest at High School. I think we were called Ice Coffee. (Hey, it was either that or US3, alright?!? 🙂 )  Hopefully I can post some of it online when we put it together sometime next week in Pattaya. We’re hoping to be able to help people reflect on the domestic violence amongst unmarginalised church goers, and how to stop it.

Then we went to have lunch with our mums.. food is such a great thing. Just eat. Say a few things, but if you can’t think of anything just comment on the food.. And then just work out a way to politely refuse the leftovers.. ‘I’m going overseas’ is a pretty good excuse.

After packing and getting ready, we went to the Gabba Theology Group thing at Ben and Sarah’s.. Dave Andrews was sharing on The Cross as Catalyst. Awesome. I love this group of people. We’re from different backgrounds and current settings: Brethren, Lutherans, Pentecostal, Anglican, Catholic, and non-churched.. and we’re all thirsting for a way to follow Jesus that is liberated and liberating. God-centred and other-focused. it’s a great headspace to be in when you’re about to head off somewhere to be a blessing to other people. I’m forgiven so that I may forgive. Loved by God so that I may love others. Saved in order to share salvation with others. Redeemed to bring about redemption in the world. Befriended by god to become a friend of the friendless. I really felt a sense of family. Like I was at a big family gathering just before I leave to go to Uni in a different town. It was like an unspoken commissioning. The friends who have shaped my thinking for the past year have sent me (financially and spiritually) on this trip. It makes me take it a bit more seriously. Like what I do actually matters! This Jesus dude is turning out to be quite a character.. not just a character u analyse or subject you study at Bible College or one dimensional superhero from kiddies sunday school..  More interesting meanings continue to emerge from his life story.. and as my life journey unfold, his life, teachings, death and resurrection become more mysterious, meaningful, beautiful and engaging at the same time.

If this plane crashes and I don’t get to blog again then at least I know these things for sure: My parents love me. My partner adores me. My brother and his wife love me (and their daughter, my niece, actually smiled and laughed with me today! 🙂 My friends believe in me and await my return. And God loves me, and wants me to be the best me that I can be to share his love with others.

If the plane doesn’t crash then I hope to blog about some people I share God’s love with.



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